A Therapy Program Your Child Will Look Forward To.
Occupational Therapy, Behavioral Therapy, Physical Therapy, Speech Therapy, ABA Therapy, Respite/CLS Services

Game Changer Therapy Services incorporates play therapy into each client’s daily routine. Our clients achieve developmental outcomes through fun and imaginative play therapy sessions.

A facilitated multi-disciplined approach in one consistent clinical setting is a great way for a child to receive multiple services with little to no stress for parents to coordinate these services.

Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA Therapy) is one of our most comprehensive services we offer at Game Changer Therapy Services. Our services focus on the whole-person and the whole-family approach to supporting children, which improves engagement and progress.
Our Services
Outpatient – Home – Community
Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapy, Physical Therapy, ABA Therapy
Insurance Reimbursable
Game Changer Therapy Services accepts many types of insurance including BCBS of Michigan and Medicaid.
One Provider For All of Your Needs!
We can coordinate a consistent weekly schedule for your child with multiple services facilitated under roof.

Client Testimonials

“Working with Game Changer has been an amazing experience. I have watched my son step out and try a large variety of new things on his own. When he successfully finds something he likes he is very proud. He has progressed a very long way and I’m so glad I’ve been able to watch his growth.”

“I am so happy that I decided to use Game Changers to help my child with her speech issues that she was having. Not only has she come so far in a short period of time, but seems to be learning something new each time she goes. I am so thankful for this choice and for Melissa being such a wonderful therapist for her.”

“When looking to build a Multidisciplinary Team for your most loved being in the world, your child, you want the best. In February 2022, my son began working with Stephanie at Game Changer and it has been a wonderful experience.
Stephanie is everything you could hope for in an Occupational Therapist. She is observant to my son’s sensory needs and will make accommodations in the sessions as needed, taking small breaks at times, to help regulate his body into a calmer state. Stephanie will also give me suggestions on how we can generalize the session skills in other environments; thus, the rest of my son’s team at Game Changer and another local center that works closely with my son (on the spectrum) can apply these learnings in their therapy to help him continue to make strides overcoming some of his barriers.”

“Game Changers has been a GIFT to our daughter and family! Every single therapist we have worked with is unbelievably dedicated to their job and role in her development. The therapists are so great with her and I have all the comfort in the world she is well taken care of when dropped off. In addition, they do a good job communicating on her progress and sharing her big wins, which as a parent is very much appreciated! I must also give a shout out to the schedulers, because they have a big job in coordinating all the disciplines and many schedules of all of their therapists and children and they have always made it work for us! Thank you to your rock star team Game Changers!”